The Unbearable Lightness of Spring's Change

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The Unbearable Lightness of Spring’s Change

In the unbearable lightness of Spring’s change we sense the deep and rhythmic parts of us tending to their own need to bloom and transform in an ever-connected way to the changing nature of the world into which we were born.

We feel the deep thaw and the weight of things moving and in the heavy dampness what has become too rigid will resist the necessary softening into its surrounding and with the softening perhaps we even feel pain in our awareness of an awakening of things stored in cold and hard places.

This temporary suffering through change we have learned to fear and in this vulnerable state we are tempted to resist the letting go of what we think we know and face the uncertainty of transformation.

Perhaps we should let the body yield as the earth does and with it the lightening of the mind into its surroundings so that with a soft mind we learn not to identify with the transitory facets of our natural existence but to allow the change to spring us into Lightness.

Sarah Edmonds

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