Welcome 2017 | Spot's Word for the Year

A C C O U N T A B I L I T Y =  freedom to move

2017 has come on in like a lion and to reflect on what we wanted this year to mean at Spot, a group of us met the other day to set our intention for the following months. It was clear that once "accountability" was spoken, we all agreed this would carry our energy for Spot Spas' mission:

S W E E T I E 


We chose accountability to focus on goals, stay connected with one another, and ultimately magnify the experience of everyone who comes into Spot.

We like this for a few reasons:

  • We're free to elevate our community daily.
  • We want to be clear in our intentions to heal.
  • Love first in our communication because #loveheals.
  • We see each other and realize our network. 
  • We are free when we complete commitments.
The future depends entirely on what each of us does every day; a movement is only people moving.
Gloria Steinem

Accountability is going to give us that movement, the freedom to move and to choose what we want. We see it in our daily lives and in how we serve you at Spot. 

A challenge: How can you be accountable to your true self and your community this year?